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Why Dental Implants Are The Best Solution For Missing Teeth?

Dental Implants

By Vitality Dental - Dentist Plano

Are you tired of feeling self-conscious about your missing teeth? Do you struggle to eat the foods you love or speak with confidence in social situations? Look no further than dental implants – the superior solution for replacing missing teeth. Not only do they improve the appearance and function of your smile, but they also offer a long-term investment in your oral health. In this blog post, we’ll explore why dental implants are the best choice for restoring your smile and boosting your confidence.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone to support a replacement tooth or bridge. They are usually made of titanium or titanium alloy, which is biocompatible and can fuse with the bone through a process called osseointegration. This process takes several months to complete, during which the implant becomes a permanent part of the jawbone. Once the implant is firmly in place, a connector called an abutment is attached to it, which will hold the replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants are an effective and long-lasting solution for replacing missing teeth, improving both oral function and appearance.

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Types Of Dental Implants

There are two main types of dental implants:

Endosteal Implants

These are the most common type of dental implants and are placed directly into the jawbone. They are typically made of titanium or titanium alloy and can be in the shape of screws, cylinders, or blades. Endosteal implants are ideal for patients with sufficient jawbone density and volume.

Subperiosteal Implants

These are placed on top of the jawbone but underneath the gum tissue. They are used for patients with inadequate jawbone height or density, and cannot undergo a bone grafting procedure. Subperiosteal implants consist of a metal frame with posts that protrude through the gum tissue to hold the replacement teeth in place.

Both types of implants are designed to fuse with the jawbone over time, providing a stable and secure foundation for replacement teeth. Your dentist or oral surgeon will evaluate your oral health and bone density to determine which type of dental implant is best for you.

Reasons Dental Implant Is The Best Solution For Missing Teeth

Dental implants are often considered the best solution for missing teeth because they offer several benefits over other tooth replacement options. Here are some of the top reasons why dental implants are the best solution for missing teeth:

They Look And Feel Like Natural Teeth

Dental implants are designed to mimic the look and feel of natural teeth. The crown (the visible part of the implant) is custom-made to match the shape, size, and color of your natural teeth. This means that once the implant is placed, it will blend in seamlessly with the rest of your teeth.

They Are Durable And Long-Lasting

Dental implants are made of high-quality materials, such as titanium and ceramic, that are designed to last for decades. With proper care and maintenance, dental implants can last a lifetime, making them a cost-effective solution in the long run.

They Preserve Jawbone Density

When a tooth is lost, the jawbone that supported it begins to deteriorate over time. This can lead to a sunken-in appearance of the face, and can also make it difficult to chew and speak. Dental implants help to preserve jawbone density by providing the stimulation that the bone needs to stay healthy.

They Are Comfortable And Convenient

Unlike dentures, which can slip and move around in the mouth, dental implants are anchored securely in the jawbone. This means that they won’t move or shift when you eat or speak, making them much more comfortable and convenient to wear.

They Don’t Require Any Special Care.

Dental implants can be cared for just like natural teeth. You simply need to brush and floss your teeth regularly and visit your dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings.

Overall, dental implants are a highly effective and reliable solution for missing teeth. They offer a range of benefits that other tooth replacement options simply can’t match, making them the best choice for many patients.

Source: AAOMS Videos

Dental Implants are the best solution for people who have lost teeth. They provide a permanent replacement for your teeth, which means that you no longer need to worry about missing teeth or had to go through the painful and time-consuming process of getting dental implants. Dental implants are also more durable than natural teeth, meaning that they will last longer than regular teeth. If you are considering having dental implants, please don’t hesitate to contact our dental office today and we would be happy to answer any of your questions.