Restorative Dentistry

Protect Your Weakened Teeth


Why Choose Vitality Dental - Dentist Plano for

Restorative Dentistry?

Experienced Dentist with Gentle Touch
High Quality Materials
We Specialize in Overcoming Dental Phobias

Tooth-Colored Fillings

A filling makes up for the tooth structure that was lost due to decay. Metal fillings have been used for decades, but they carry some obvious disadvantages such as an unsightly appearance and a need for undercutting (meaning removing more tooth structure). Tooth-colored fillings made from composite resin tend to be much more attractive, and they directly bond with the tooth itself, resulting in a more conservative treatment that preserves more natural tooth.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are extremely useful restorations that can be used in various situations. Whether you need to hold a cracked tooth together, restore the shape and size of a tooth that is severely worn down, or cover certain cosmetic issues such as severe discoloration, a custom-made porcelain crown could be exactly what you need to keep your smile bright and whole. You can expect a crown to last 10 or 15 years (or even longer) with the right care.

Dental Bridges

By itself, a crown isn’t enough to replace a tooth. However, two crowns combined with one or more pontics (false teeth) can literally “bridge” a gap. Each crown will either be supported by the natural teeth adjacent to the empty space, or they might rest on a pair of dental implants. Either way, your bridge will restore the balance of your bite and will fulfil the everyday functions of your real teeth. Bridges can be used to take the place of a single tooth or multiple teeth in a row.


At some point, you may end up losing most – or even all – of the teeth in your upper or lower jaw. If that happens, even basic speaking and chewing tasks will become extremely difficult. This makes full dentures an absolute necessity for continuing to live a full life. It is also possible to get partial dentures held by a metal clasp if you have only lost a few teeth in different areas of your mouth.

Restorative Dentistry FAQ's

  • Dental fillings: These are restorative materials, such as composite resin or amalgam, used to repair teeth damaged by decay or minor fractures, restoring their function and preventing further decay.
  • Dental Crowns: They are tooth-shaped caps that encase damaged or weakened teeth, restoring their strength, shape, and appearance and providing long-term protection and support.
  • Dental Bridges: These are fixed restorations used to replace one or more missing teeth by anchoring artificial teeth (pontics) to adjacent natural teeth or dental implants, restoring the function and aesthetics of the smile.
  • Dental Implants: Dental implants are titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone to serve as artificial tooth roots, providing a stable foundation for dental restorations, such as crowns or bridges, to replace missing teeth and restore function and appearance.
  • Dentures:Dentures are removable dental appliances used to replace multiple missing teeth. They restore functionality and improve the appearance of the smile.

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